Friday, September 23, 2005

First workout

For those of you who don't know, I've recently developed a new layer of fat around my entire body. Its soft and jiggly, and it must go away! This week I signed up to work with a personal trainer twice a week, for 3 months. I figure if they can't discipline me enough to go to the gym nobody can. Today was my first official meeting with Ron. When I had first walked in, there was nothing there but young hot guys ready to train. I luckily found the only girl, and requested that I get a not so attractive gentleman to help me out. I have enough pressure, I don't need to worry about my butt jiggling in front of some hot guy's face. I'll share my starting stats at some other time, but lets just say I'm off the scale as far as poor health goes. Ron is retired, and says he actually doesn't work out himself, but he's in better shape in his lazy state than I am in my active state. He seems to take this very seriously and hardly cracked a smile. Those of you who know me know I need to laugh and make it easier on myself. The only time I'm serious is when I'm angry (though my temper is better than in college, still happens fairly regularly), or if I really need to get my point across. I did finally break his shell when he went to measure my waist and asked "Where does your hip bone start? See this? This is where mine starts." I sort of poked my squishiness and said "Well here is where mine is, but its hidden by this nice layer of fat." I was being serious, but he laughed and said "Well thats what I'm here for." So we only got to complete my fitness test, and he is working out a program for me, which I will start with him on Monday. Till then I need to do 1 hour of cardio each day. I made the comment that I wanted to be less pear like, so he stuck me on the elliptical trainer w/o arm movements. I hate to say it, it was fun though. I actually like doing cardio, shocking as that seems. Once I get in the zone, it feels pretty good. I also have the best mix on my iPOD shuffle. I call it K.Love's World Mix. From the U.S. I have some Daft Punk and Basement Jaxx. From Europe I have E-Type and thats really it (Mikael, send me more stuff!). For some Latin American flavor I threw in a little DLG. And for that pure Hispanic groove, some Celia Cruz. Her stuff rocks! The only drawback is that I must remember I'm not working out at home, but in a gym. In my acting classes I learned to be in the moment and forget everything else that is going on around you. I caught myself throwing in some nice hip movements when DLG was on. I just really hope I don't find myself singing out loud like I do at home. What an embarrassment.

So, my best friend in the world, Robb, is coming back to visit this weekend. Its going to be awesome, but tomorrow will be a slight challenge for me, since we are attending every calorie lover's fest. All you can eat and drink for $30. Luckily I've been there a couple times, so I know what lighter beers I like and probably won't stray. Its my food choices that kill me. If I remember correctly they had all that bad food that goes great with beer; Pizza, chicken wings, Krispy Kremes (well I'm sure somebody likes dunking it in their beer), etc. You know what is remarkable amazing? When Robb lived here, we'd go out all the time, either to eat, or to go to the pubs and end up at places like Greasy Tony's. Through all of that I managed to maintain my weight, but as soon as he moved I definitely eat out less and managed to pack on the pounds. In whose world does this make sense?

As far as the homefront, I'm in the process of refinancing my house (yeah!) so I'll just have one payment instead of two. I'll also be able to pay off my credit cards and such. Good stuff! Yesterday Brian (BOOFAH!) and I headed to Ikea and bought some bookshelves for the den. I'll be getting my new desk within the week. I'm slowly trying to makeover my house so it doesn't look like a penniless college student lives here. My proudest accomplishment? Actually buying an small TV stand to replace the end table my TV has been on for 5+ years.

So I know some of you are asking, ok, why did you give in and start a blog? I'm pretty anti-technology. Always behind the times. I mean a blog to me says "Hey, I think I'm pretty swell, and instead of keeping a diary, I'm going to share it with everyone so they can tell me how cool I am." I still pretty much feel this way, but a lot of friends have moved away, and my mother and sister both have higher priorities than BSing with me on messenger, so I don't get the daily interaction with them I'm used to. We are a very tight knit unit, so instead of writing 20 e-mails about the same thing, I figured this would be the easiest. Keep in mind, this is the edited version of my life. The really "good" stuff will be kept on my online diary, which only a very few select individuals that I trust. Ok, well one wasn't exactly invited to my diary. His wife accidentally left her password saved on her account, so he logged in and took a look. Its ok though. This was a guy who broke into my closet, put on my spandex like workout clothes, and ran out in my living room and gave me a cheer. If he's brave enough to do that, than I'm brave enough to let him read. :) Also, this is just the beginning steps of them Pem-K takeover (just a temp made up name). Pemma and I have plans to take over the internet. Ok, well not really, but we have lots of ideas we share with each other that might be fun to share. I mean really, the internet is full of useless crap anyways, we will just add to the fun. :)

Must go shower...

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