Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Welcome to the East Coast, B*$@H!

The last night in Charlotte proved to be a fun one. :) I learned over our Thai dinner, that the restaurant we were at is the first Thai restaurant opened in Charlotte. When did it start? 1988! Slow and steady wins the race, no?

Upon leaving, my limited knowledge of the east coast led us to the Beantown Tavern, which I thought had something to do with beans, but apparently is a nickname for Boston. What was supposed to be one beer led to five, and as soon as the owner came out and bought free shots for the bar, I knew it was game over.

Two hours of whopping sleep later, I caught my next flight. My next stop was to visit my friend Robb. Tired, Bobbert and I decided to embark on a roadtrip to Philadelphia! Upon entering Pennsylvania, we are greeted with a billboard of a very pissed off looking woman, giving us what appears to be the middle finger. I was so shocked, I didn't read what it was for, so Robb captioned it "Welcome to the East Coast, Bitch!". Nice.

Given that the weather is SO bitter cold, and I'm still rockin' my AZ gear, we did in 3 hours what takes most people days. We saw the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Liberty Bell, and the stairs that Rocky ran up during his boxing training. Top this all off with a few beers and the greasiest creation ever created, a Geno's Cheesesteak, slathered with hot sauce, and served with a side a EXTRA Cheesy Cheesefries. Fast forward six hours later, and here we sit, in his pad in Baltimore, with what sounds like Havelinas getting ready to burst out of our stomachs to attack.

I'm not sure what is entirely in store for the rest of the week. What I DO know is that this elusive sunshine will be poking his head out again tomorrow, and I will be able to feel my face again.

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