So, over the course of this year, I have lost that sparkle of life people seem to enjoy. I have been, for the most part, a hermit. So what does a girl do? Why chop off all her hair of course! My hairstylist even gasped. I've had her for 3 years now, and while we've played with color, we've never really chopped off this amount of hair. It ended up clogging their little vaccum up. Anyways, after that she put a red base to even out the color, then put a little Manic Panic in to "bring in da funk" a tada! I've gotten nothing but good comments along with "wow, only you can wear that hair and make it look good". (you don't see it here, but in sunlight it looks pink!). So my boring attitude has fallen away with my boring hair, I think. Put the Love back in K.Love, baby. :)

You have inspired me...I will probably retouch the red in my hair this weekend and maybe even curl it this week. :-)
Your haircut looks pretty.
Looks like SOMEONE needs to cut back on the Merlot!!!
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